Messy Play With Shaving Foam and Cotton Wool


I bought a can of shaving foam for 26p at Sainsbury’s a while back intending to do messy play.  I had seen a post on The Imagination Tree’s blog (check it out-it’s full of lovely ideas!), and that was the inspiration for buying the shaving foam.  It’s sat in the cupboard since then, and then yesterday I decided it was time we did messy play again.  There was no forecasted rain and it was quite warm outside.  I got the tuff spot out, and while Miss E ate her snack sat with Mr P, I shredded up all the cotton wool.  When we was done we took it and the can of shaving foam outside.  I dumped the cotton wool onto the tuff spot then squirted a can of shaving foam onto it and we mixed it in.  It was the most lovely, squishy, soft, fluffy play ever.  Miss E loved spreading it all over herself, especially in her air.  She had fun trying to stand up then falling over as the shaving foam made the tuff spot all slippy *close parental supervision is required*.  She was laughing and repeatedly saying, “Slippy, slidey!”  We spent a good hour playing with this, and, of course, she had fun putting it in my hair and on my clothes.  Afterwards she asked for some water in her paddling pool and she enjoyed putting all the fluffy soap into the water and watching it float and also pouring water on herself.  It was very good, and very messy fun!




What messy play have you been up to at your house? Check out the link button below to see what other people have been up to.

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